When I saw this tree I knew I had to pull over, stop the car, and get out to capture the color!  In the beginning it was all about the beauty of the tree as it stood so proudly displaying its fall radiance.  But after taking a few shots, I did what I always do when photographing a tree – I always take at least one shot looking straight up the trunk.

Why?  I don’t know, maybe I just think it presents an interesting perspective.  But on this day, it seemed there was something more.  As I looked around and even glanced up and down the street, I noticed this was the only tree with such fall color!  There were several trees here – even trees of the same variety.  But, they paled in comparison to this one. 

When I looked at this tree, the first thing I noticed was the red leaves.  But when I approached it from this perspective, I noticed the twisting of the limbs within the leaves.  They reminded me of all the twists and turns life can bring our way.  Interestingly, it wasn’t until I downloaded the photo to my computer that I noticed the vibrant blue sky peeking through the beauty of the leaves and the twisting of the limbs.

Could this be symbolic of life’s challenges?  If we’re not careful we may find ourselves completely distracted by the beauty this life has to offer, missing multiple opportunities along the way.  Or we may become desperately bogged down by the twists that often come into this life, not realizing these unexpected deviations create the strength we need to confront what may lie ahead.  And then through all of that, if we’re not paying careful attention – we could absolutely miss the blue sky that lies beyond the twists and turns of this life.

May you always be looking up!  But, may you also be careful to see everything before your eyes. 

I’m so glad you stopped by today!

~ by photographyfree4all on November 9, 2010.

26 Responses to “ALWAYS LOOKING UP!!”

  1. That’s a great photo, and I enjoyed your message too!


  2. That is so BEAUTY~FULL…..I loved the way you took the initiative to capture that….By going to the base of the tree. What a great idea….Thank you.


  3. I just added your blog to my facebook page….hopefully, you will get some new subscriptions….


  4. Fantastic perspective and thoughful insights!


  5. You are lucky to be able to have witnessed such a beautiful tree. I have yet to encounter one of those around my town. Thanks for sharing that insightful thought as well 🙂


  6. Thank you, Barb! And, I always enjoy your comments! I’m glad you stopped by today.


  7. It does present an interesting perspective doesn’t it, Elena? I started doing it from almost the beginning and continue it today. Sometimes (like this time) I see something I didn’t originally see. I like it when that happens!


  8. Hey thanks, Elena! I really glad you stopped by today!


  9. Always love your comments, Tracy! I hope you’ll continue to contribute! They’re always good.


  10. So true…I say always keep looking 🙂 Slow down and enjoy life :0) beautiful shot !


  11. Thank you, MerryCrassmas, for stopping by and sharing this comment. Keep looking! I really hope you’ll come by again!


  12. Philosophical, no? I love the tree and the comment.


  13. I have to agree with you, Janice! Life can become too fast at times. Thanks for sharing your comment today! I hope you’ll stop by again, soon.


  14. Yes, a bit. Thanks for your comment, Gwynn! I’m glad you stopped by.


  15. Something both traumatic and tragic happened to me back in February. Looking up and staying up is what helped me through and continues to do so to this day. Way to go on the message and the visual for it!


  16. Beautiful vantage point. A bright spot in my morning. 😉


  17. I love the photo and the message. Wonderful lesson!


  18. Thanks Miss Betty! I love to shoot trees from this perspective.


  19. I feel honored to be one of the bright spots of your morning, Cynthia! I’m glad you stopped by this morning and shared this comment!


  20. I’m so sorry to hear of this difficult time in your life, Kuukisu! But, I’m thrilled to know that you made it though whatever it was!! That’s what I will remember from your comment. Thanks for stopping by!


  21. I just realized this comment was comment #2100, Miss Betty! I’m sorry there was no prize for that, though! 🙂


  22. Beautiful shot! Lovely colours and textures! I agree, we miss so many things when we forget to look at things through as many different angles as possible, including upwards! I often find myself the only person looking at a bird or some amazing clouds in the sky, when everyone else is staring resolutely ahead!
    Interesting thoughts…!
    btw, nice new blog set-up :)!


  23. Thank you, Kai! I have been experimenting with a new design for the blog! I like the slideshow aspect of Modularity Lite – but, have temporarily changed back because of some font issues. Stay tuned though – I may be changing back soon. Still looking and experimenting. Don’t worry about being the only person looking at the details in life! You’ll be the one who sees what others miss. Thanks for stopping by! 🙂


  24. I definitely agree with your message! And I must say, that this capture is SO gorgeous – the perspective and the structures in the tree – and that beautiful sky above – great 🙂


  25. It’s a great message to remember isn’t it, Truels? I’m really glad you stopped by today! Thank you for leaving this comment. It’s important to me. Thanks!


  26. […] Always Looking Up […]


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